Total Productive Maintenance



Total Productive Maintenance

Why organizations should use it? To ensure machines are always able to perform their required tasks in order to never get production interrupted.

How organizations should use it? By maintaining equipment through predictive, autonomous and early equipment maintenance schemes and related training support.

What is it for? Maintenance-centric method.

Total Productive Maintenance steps are composed of:

  1. Initial evaluation of TPM level
  2. Introductory education for the need of TPM
  3. Development of a master plan for TPM implementation
  4. Training of employees and stakeholders
  5. Planning of the implementation preparation process
  6. Establishment of TPM policies and goals and development of a road map for TPM implementation

 Maintenance is composed of 4 parts:

  1. Predictive maintenance enables entities to find ways to prevent the need for maintenance
  2. Autonomous maintenance determines which maintenance tasks are best done by the operators (instead of maintenance technicians)
  3. Early equipment maintenance gets entities to ensure components are no/low maintenance while designing, specifying or building their equipment
  4. Training and education enable maintenance technicians and operators to get cross-trained and to act as a team to help each other



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