Lean Management Training & Certification

Problem-solving of activity flows

Easy to understand, hands-on and fun learning methods will make it enjoyable to learn Lean Management.

Discover more than 30 tools for implementing Lean in your organisation and improving your operations. Speed, capacity and elimination of waste; reliability of operations and employee performance will be part of your daily routine.

This 2 days training course will immerse you in the world of Lean through a serious game, in which you will learn to identify and eliminate waste (tasks with no added value). You will also use other tools to help you focus on analysing your customers’ needs and the value you need to create to satisfy them.

Learning by doing Lean serious game

Practical Information

2 days (14h)

1295€* + 175€ exam vat excl

*Prices do not include lunches

Lean Management Certification

Sucess rate 98%

Subsidies in Brussels




  • Sept. 30, Oct. 1

Distance learning (visio): 

  • Nov. 14, 15

Many other dates in Dutch and French. See our website or ask us by e-mail.

Questions ?

Lean Management Training Objectives

  • Understand the philosophy, principles and tools of Lean Management
  • Learn how to improve business flow in Kaizen Event mode
  • Learn to eliminate waste, streamline operations and prevent malfunctions
  • Learn how to improve a process for the benefit of all stakeholders (customer, worker, owner)

Do you want to use Lean Management to improve your team workflows or for your operations ?

Training Satisfaction
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Aggregate Rating
4 based on 10 votes
Lean Six Sigma Belgium
Training Name
Lean Management Training and Certification (Yellow, Green or Black Belt)
EUR 1295
Training Availability
Available in Stock
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